
Company Name: Kyrgyztelecom Open Joint Stock Company
Abbreviated Name: OJSC "Kyrgyztelecom"
Industry: Telecommunications
Authorized capital: 620 009 KGS
Ownership Structure: Ministry of Digital Development - 77.84 %
Social Fund - 12.51 %
Individuals and legal entities - 9.65 %
Principal activity: Provision of public authorities, economic entities, legal entities and individuals in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic with telecommunication services.
Corporate Governance: General meeting of shareholders.
Board of Directors (supervisory body of 3 persons elected at the Shareholders' Meeting).
General Director (sole executive body).
Audit Commission (controlling body).
General Manager: Madaminov Nurlan Sabyrovich
The main services provided are:

local, long-distance and international telephone communication;

data transmission;


wire broadcasting;

channel rental;

Internet access

intelligent communications network.

Number of employees: 2,220 people
Legal address: Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, 96, Chui Avenue, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Telephone: 1812 (reception of applications, help desk)
+996 0509 001812
+996 0997 001812
+996 0778 001812
+996 0312 681616 (reception)
Fax:  +996 312 662424
Internet address:
Registry Holder:

Registry Holder: Telesat CJSC Bishkek, Chui Ave. 147

Tel./fax: 680217, e-mail: