Head of Department: Borombayev Rustam Kemelovich, (for all questions)

Reception time: Tuesday, Thursday from 08:00 till 10:00

Reception: 0 (3135) 5-01-91

Working time: from 8:00 to 17:00

Address: Kemin city, Lenina str. 2

Help Desk: 109

Negotiations order: 107

Receiving telegrams by phone: 106


Internet services

Engineer: Kazymov Sergey Valerievich

Phone: 0 (3135) 7-90-05, 0 (3135) 5-09-41

Addresses of negotiation and settlement points: Orlovka, Kudryashova str. 5,

Telephone: 0 (3135) 5-22-00.


Bank requisites

Address: Kemin settlement, Lenina str. 2. 

ARCEO (ОКПО): 20409567

TIN (ИНН): 02006199410068

BIC (БИК): 129006

C.account (Р./сч):  1290061880001019

Kemin FRSK Bank